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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th January

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok and looking after each other! 


Well done for your super work yesterday! I loved seeing your grouping skills in Maths and your beautiful writing in English and RE! I am also very impressed with your reading on the getepic reading website!! Keep it up! laugh


Remember to log onto using our class code (that was texted to you and it's on our school blog) and click on your initials, to access the 2 books that I have assigned for you to read this week. If you have read them, please feel free to read any of the other age-related books available on the website too. This website is what our school is using to monitor your reading at home, please make sure that you are reading regularly.


Below are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog.


L.O. Using arrays

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets in your red maths book. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

L.O. To describe a character.

Please listen to the video below where I will read you the third chapter of the book.


Then, please put the date and L.O. into your lined book. Today I would like you to describe Plop. Think about what he looks like and his personality. You will need to be creative and use lots of adjectives (describing words). Try to use at least one adjective to describe each of his features, if you use two adjectives together, split them with a comma. Remember to use tall capital letters to start your sentences and full stops at the end. I will write you an example character description below to help and give you ideas, please don’t copy it.


Plop is a cute, fluffy barn owlet. He has soft, white feathers that are covered with pale brown speckles. This owlet has a smooth, white heart-shaped face with big, beautiful eyes that twinkle in the moonlight. Plop has knobbly knees and a sharp, pointy beak. He has long, powerful talons that are great for catching his small, innocent prey. A coy and quiet owlet, Plop is terrified of the dark. Everything about the mysterious, gloomy night frightens him.

Chapter 3.wmv

Still image for this video


L.O. To know where and when the Great Fire of London started.

Please read through the slides below. Then, have a look through the picture cards. In your home learning pack, I have put all of your History sheets (that you will need for our Great Fire of London topic lessons this half term) in order, in a plastic wallet. Please could you take out Worksheet 1B and complete it using the picture cards to help you.

Have a lovely day!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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