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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 17th June

Good Morning Year 1


Happy Wednesday to you all!


Thank you for sending in work yesterday. I liked reading what you do at different times of the day. 


I'm glad that some of you are being adventurous and choosing to follow Mr Steele's PE lessons too.


Don't forget to be active again today.


Maths today is about solving word problems with addition and subtraction. It is called PROBLEM SOLVING. There are two learn screens and then activities which involve using the information from the learn screens.

Please look and listen to them very carefully.

Don't just flick through.

They will help you.


It's time for Phonics today. Some phase 5 work.


Read carefully and think before you answer please.

I have been looking at your scores and some people must be rushing as they could do better.


Take your time and listen!


Finally I want you to have a listen to Mrs Maxwell talking about her holiday to Blackpool. It really is interesting and I loved hearing Mrs Maxwell speak about what she did and why she did it and who she went with and why it was so very special.



When you have listened, I would like to know about a special holiday or even a day out that you had that was special. Think about these questions when you are writing.

Where did you go?

Who did you go with? 

What things did you do?

Why was it so special?

Would you like to go again?

Who would you take with you and why?

How was it similar to Mrs Maxwell's holiday?

How was it different?

Please remember to write in sentences with capital letters and full stops. question marks or exclamation marks.


I remember going on holiday every September with my mum and dad. Schools had a week off every September. We stayed at the same guest house every year from Monday to Friday. In the mornings we got up early and went for a walk to get a newspaper and then to a cafe for a cup of tea or coffee. We would get back to the guesthouse in time for the breakfast gong which the landlady would ring to let everyone know breakfast was ready.

She did the same at tea time too.

You had a certain place to sit in the dining room and there was no choice of food, you just ate whatever was made.

It was usually delicious though!

We didn't have lunch at the guesthouse, we went to a cafe for that.

I would share a room with my mum and dad and we would have to cross the landing to go to the toilet or have a bath or shower, there wasn't one in the room.

On Monday evening we would got to a show at the end of either the north or south  Pier. There were some very famous people who performed in Blackpool then.

During the day we went shopping or to the amusement arcades. We might go to St Anne's for an afternoon or to the enormous market in Fleetwood. We sometimes went on the beach and I might go on a donkey like Mrs Maxwell did.

On Tuesday evening we would get on tram and travel through the illuminations. Then at the end we would have fish and chips.

On Wednesday evening we would go to the Tower Circus, I loved that!

On Thursday evenings we would go to a show on the other pier and on Friday we went home.

I really enjoyed my holidays in September in Blackpool. We went from me being very little until I was about 11 or so.

I have some lovely memories and would like to be able to travel back in time and take my children too so they could see what it was like.

I look forward to reading about your holiday or day out memories.




 I have recorded a story for you today called Breakfast.


Enjoy Wednesday

Love Mrs Cloughheart


Mrs Maxwell's holiday to Blackpool


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