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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee Week

Year 4 have enjoyed celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee.

Below you will find our amazing week of smiles, laughter, creativity and being Royal Kings and Queens!


Here are our Year 4 Bake Off entries. Well done to everyone who took part. We thoroughly enjoyed tasting all of them. We gave them all a Royal Solute!


We all worked hard and put our creativity skills to the test. We create a wonderful Jubilee Flag for Queen Elizabeth. We also all created our own Jubilee Flag which included designs linking to the Platinum Jubilee. We enjoyed watching this flag piece together. We all thought it look similar to Andy Warhol’s artistic design.


This was our Red, White and Blue day, we all celebrated by dressing in colours that represented the Union Jack. We also attended St Leonard’s Church where we presented a poem to three other schools about Queen Elizabeth’s Reign.




Our Decade was the news of her father’s death and the start of her glorious reign. Please click the link below to listen to our poem 'Our Queen'.


Today we created a picture poems including all the information we now know about our Queen. We enjoyed watching the shape of the crown take place.



As a school we all took part in ‘Dancing through the Decades.’ Our class was given the 2010s, we practiced every day to learn the moves to Hannah Montana Hoedown Throwdown. It was great to watch everyone have fun. Click on the link below to see our performance and the rest of the school. 

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