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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 19th January

Good morning Year 3,


I look forward to seeing your brilliant work again today. You are all doing amazing at home, keep up the good work! 

Today you have 4 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. French

4. Read the first chapter of 'Case of the Uncrackable Code' on getepic. When you log on, if you click on your mailbox at the top right, you will find it there. 


Have a great day!

Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To count money in pounds.

Today Year 3 we are going to look at money again and counting, but this time in pounds. I would like you to watch the video carefully, pausing it to complete any questions and then complete the worksheet.


Count money (pounds)


LO: To use apostrophes for omission.


Today we are looking at apostrophes again, but this time, when they are used for omission. This means when some letters in a word have been missed out. Just like cannot become can’t.

You need to look through the power point below and then do the Challenge task on the last slide:

Write five sentences (about anything!) Each sentence must include at least one contraction with an apostrophe.

Then I would like you to have a look at the worksheet I have attached below. You can choose whether to complete Activity A, B or C. Complete one of those activities and then you are finished!



Hello year 3 - I can't believe it's Tuesday already and time for another French lesson!

Today there is a video to watch, if you click on the link below it will take you to the school video page -you will find the video in the French Homelearning section, and it is clearly marked as year 3.

The video explains how we can use the words un/une, le/la, les, and des, to say if we have a, the or some animals.

When you have watched the video, open the word document below and copy the table into your books. Your task is to translate the French phrase into English - an example is done for you on the video. I have also put the powerpoint presentation below, just in case you need to look back at any of the slides.

Please remember to blog or email your work!

Have a lovely day smiley
