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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 14th January

Good Morning Year 3!

I am so pleased with the biographies that were sent to my email yesterday. It was lovely to read your writing. Please remember to either email me your work or post it on the blog! 

I am also a little concerned that not everybody is going onto TTRS every day, please make sure you log on to practise your times tables at least once a day!


Today you have 3 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. Music.


Please go onto and read a book of your choice today!


Have a great day!

Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To use bar models and diagrams to scale amounts.

Today we are continuing with division. You need to carefully watch the video I have attached below and then complete the worksheet.



LO: To complete a SPAG test.

Today Year 3, I would like you to complete the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test that I have attached below. You can either print it out or complete it into your English books.


Today Year 3, Mrs Jones has put together a power point for you to work through for your Music lesson. Please find it below. There is also a youtube video that you need to watch as part of the lesson. I have also put this below.

George Meets the Orchestra | An Introduction to the Orchestra for Children

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