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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 25th September

Hello Year 2,


Here is your homework that I would like you to complete this week before next Friday 2nd October.



This week, we have been partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. Today, I have sent a red 'Home Book' home with you, with a maths worksheet stuck on the first page. Please could you complete this worksheet and take a photograph, then send the photograph to my email OR put it on our school blog. 


*This red home book is to stay at home with you, to complete homework in over the coming weeks. Please keep it somewhere safe.*


If you were not in school, please find the worksheet below and you will get your home book when you are next in school.



We have also been identifying and using verbs in class, so I would like you to complete the Year 2 Homework called ‘Verbs 25/09’ on Education City.


I will be checking online so that I can tick off your name in my register when you have finished each task.


*Please remember to read EVERYDAY!*  


We are changing reading books every Monday and Friday.

Please make sure you bring your books to be changed on these days.


Thank you for all your hard work. laugh


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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