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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


School uniform

St John the Baptist School Uniform



Grey trousers or tailored shorts

Plain dark grey socks (white and coloured socks are not permitted)

Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo

Sky blue polo shirt (school logo optional)



Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers (shorts or leggings are not permitted)

White or grey socks / Grey tights

Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo

Sky blue polo shirt (school logo optional)


Girls Summer Uniform

During the summer term, girls can wear a pale blue checked dress. (Please note that culottes and shorts for the girls are not permitted.)



The children must wear a sturdy, black leather type shoe. 

Trainers, slip on shoes, wedges, heels, boots, canvas and suede shoes are not permitted.

We request that children only wear shoes with laces when they are able to tie their own laces. Velcro is more appropriate for our younger children.

The children must always have a pair of indoor pumps in school and if their school shoes do not comply with our school rules, they will be asked to wear their pumps around school.

Alternative footwear may be worn in extreme bad weather to travel to school, but they must change into their school shoes upon arrival.


PE KIT Boys and Girls

Plain Black Shorts (no logos permitted)

Plain White T-shirt (school logo optional)

Black Pumps

Trainers for outdoor PE - Y3-Y6 only 

PE kit should be kept in school in a named PE bag.

(Tights are not appropriate for PE so please ensure your child has socks in school if they like to wear tights.)

Children can bring a plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms during the winter months for outdoor PE. This is optional.


Swimming Lessons Year 4 only

One-piece swimming costume or swimming shorts.

A towel 

Children with long hair must wear a swimming cap.

Children will need a coat as we walk to the swimming baths. This must be appropriate for the weather conditions.



Hair must be one natural colour for both boys and girls. We consider dyed hair to be inappropriate for school children. Wedge, basin, skinhead or any other extreme haircut as defined by the Headteacher are not allowed.

Hair must be no shorter than a “number 3” cut and should not have any shaved sections. Tramlines are not permitted. For safety reasons braids with beads and hair extensions are not allowed. Long hair must be tied back off the face and hair accessories should be simple, plain and subdued, e.g. plain dark colours.

Nail varnish is not allowed.



Children need a school bookbag for their reading book, homework and letters. These are available from the school office. They do not need a rucksack or large bag for school as these are too large to store in the classroom. They also do not need any stationery.



We strongly advise children to bring a water bottle to school as staying hydrated is important to our health. Water bottles are available from the office but children are allowed to bring their own. Only plain water is allowed in class during lessons.



Children will need a coat for school that is appropriate for the weather and outdoor activities, such as playtime. We do not specify a specific colour or style but we ask that the coat is appropriate for its need.



Jewellery cannot be worn in school with the exception of a watch. They will have to remove the watch during PE lessons. (Please note smart watches are not permitted)

Earrings are not permitted in school. We request that children only have their ears pierce at the start of the summer holidays to allow healing time. If your child does have them pierced in school time, they must cover them with plasters until they are healed.



Mobile phones, smart watches and Fitbits with messaging capabilities are not permitted in school. If children need a phone when they are walking to and from school, they must turn it off when they enter school and hand it to their teacher during registration. This will be returned to them at the end of the day.


4.2 Where to purchase school uniform


  • Non branded uniform can be purchased from any shop.
  • Branded uniform can be purchased from the suppliers listed below.
  • Bookbags and water bottles can be purchased from the school office.
  • Whittaker’s school uniform vouchers are distributed annually to children in receipt of free school meals.



  • Whittaker’s Schoolwear. Whittakers has an outlet in Pendle Village which is located directly off Junction 12 of the M65
  • Ali's Schoolwear, Padiham 



Donations of second-hand uniform can be handed to the office. If you are struggling with the cost of uniform, please contact the office and we will gift you any second-hand uniform we have that is suitable for your child. Please note we will only have the donations and may not have the sizes required for your child. In extreme cases of hardship the school may access other agencies and grants to provide practical assistance and support.


Burnley Together community hub launched an initiative aimed at helping families get free school uniforms ahead of the start of each new academic year.

The hub will be open in Chancery Walk in Charter Walk Shopping Centre from Monday to Friday during August.




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