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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 7th May

Good Morning Year 3!

Today is our last day of Home Learning this week as tomorrow is a Bank Holiday for the 75th VE Day Anniversary. 

I'm sure you have heard about the 'Virtual Tea Picnic' that we are doing with school. If you have a Tea Party at home tomorrow for VE Day celebrations, make sure you send a picture to Mrs Barker and she will put it on her website. Her email address is:

Maybe you could decorate your window with some union flags! I have attached a document below with lots of VE Day activities for you to do over the long weekend!

Today's tasks are below, but make sure to always do these every day too:

- Read

- Practise your spellings

- Play on Times Table Rock Stars for 15mins

- Exercise


Here they are... Have a great day Year 3

Love Miss Townson heart


VE extra activities to do over the long weekend...


LO: To find fractions of a set of objects.

Follow the link below to access the White Rose Maths page.
You then need to click the + next to the ‘Week 2’ section.
The third lesson is called ‘Fractions of a set of objects (2)’  

Watch the video and then complete the activity I have posted below.


After this, I would like you to log onto Education City and complete the tasks on the Class work called ‘Thursday 7th May – Maths’


LO: To write a diary entry from the perspective of a child on VE Day.


Today, Year 3, I would like you to start today’s English lesson by watching the two videos I have posted below… They are REAL footage from VE Day and show you how the people in London celebrated. You will remember from yesterday’s video with my Grandma that she went to the Town Hall in Colne and celebrated in her new red dress! She said people sung, danced, acted silly and set off fireworks to celebrate the war being declared over.


Next, I want you to read the information from Newsround on the link below…


Finally, your task is to write a diary entry!

Write about how you would have been feeling on that day:

Relieved, excited, happy, ecstatic, not worried anymore!


Include in your diary entry what you would have done:

Partied, danced, sung songs, cheered, set off fireworks, had friends round, seen family, gathered in the street for a tea party!


Use as much description in your diary entry as you can. Think about interesting vocabulary that you can include, I want a good quality piece of writing that you are proud of. Just like you would in your writing journals. I can’t wait to read them!

VE Day celebrations

VE Day Showreel | Victory 75


Today's Music lesson from Mrs Jones is on the Power Point below.



Music Lesson

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