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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


The Spiritual Life of the School

Crowning of Mary Mass 2017

To celebrate the Church season of Lent, St John's held a Charity Fundraiser Coffee morning where all year groups set up stalls and sold their own pieces of 'Angel Artwork' to raise money for their individual class charities. We are very grateful to all those who helped and supported our coffee morning at this special time.

All the children at St John's did a fabulous job creating their own special piece of 'Angel Artwork' in celebration of our Jet Set Angels Birthday to sell at our Charity fundraiser Coffee Morning.

A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Houldsworth for their incredibly generous and kind donation towards our Jet Set Angel project at the Petal Ball Auction. We hope that they enjoy their new and beautiful Jet Set Angel chess set.

The children from Year 3 and Year 5 attended a Remembrance Service at St. Leonard's.

A fantastic assembly to celebrate 'The Bethany Project'. Hearing all the childrens touching stories and watching them perform was a truly fabulous and inspirational experience enjoyed by all.

An assembly to discuss 'Mama Margaret's' and their angel project and to congratulate Tia for her 'Child of Courage' award, Mrs Carlile for her 'Fundraiser of the Year' award, and the staff and children of St John's for winning the overall fundraiser award for the 'Jet Set Angel' project at the 2BR awards evening. All the awards were completely well deserved!

Reception had their first visit to the chapel. We enjoyed saying our morning prayer and singing a hymn God loves me.

Angels have been to Westminster Cathedral in London to visit the Mercy Door and light a candle for Tia. They also graduated from St. Mary's University with a BA Hons and watched the Chief Inspector of Ofsted receive a special medal from the Pope. Quite an eventful time!

On Friday 20th May we had a very special mass. It was our 'Crowning of Mary' mass. Our nominees for pupil of the year led the procession and Tilly was chosen to crown Mary the Mother of God. It was a beautiful service and after the mass had finished the chaplains took the flowers to people in the community. The chaplains took a very special bouquet to Haley's grave and Leighton went with them to share the special moment. 

We are very proud of our new banner to remind us of the 5 Ws.

As it is the Year of Mercy, each class was given a spiritual and physical way of showing mercy that they had to incorporate into a board. After lots of hard work and inspiration flying from all directions, the boards were a huge success and will now be displayed in our school hall.

Our Chaplains have once again given up their lunchtime in order to do something for others. Today they have been building boxes for Samaritans Purse so that we can all fill the boxes for Christmas for children who are not as lucky as we are.

The Chaplains, again during their lunchtime, sorted out all of the donations for CAL AID.

Crowning of Mary Mass 2015

February 2015


Below is the email received by Mrs McKeating from Sister Eleanor in Dagaretti, Africa.  Over the years, we have undertaken many fundraising events to help raise money for some furniture in the new school being built.  This school is to help young people in Dagaretti attend school as sometimes, they don't get the opportunities that we can take for granted.



Dear Mrs McKeating

As usual, a century seems to pass before we make contact again, but today I received a picture of the new desks in the new classroom in the new building and I just had to send it on to you, even if a long time has passed.  I hope it comes out clear when you download - it's looking a bit blurred here.
The Sisters are getting all the new programmes off the ground now that we have the space so we're hoping the desks will soon be occupied with children who are experiencing problems in school and are at risk of dropping out. Once again, pass our thanks to the children who so kindly fund raised for the furniture...we are very, very grateful.
Wish you every blessing as the new school year gets underway,
Love, Sr Eleanor

Monday 2nd February 2015

Today, our School Chaplains attended a retreat day at Blessed Trinity in Burnley.  This day was organised by Jess, the Chaplain at Blessed Trinity, Mrs McKeating and our new Bishop, John Arnold.

The children had the opportunity to meet other chaplains from the schools in the Burnley Cluster plus chaplains from 2 other schools.  It was a memorable occasion for the children to meet with Bishop John. The children presented Bishop John with a very special candle that they had made.

Salford Cathedral

Our School Chaplains attended a training day at Salford Cathedral and were commissioned by the Reverend McBride.  They had a great day with lots of other children from other schools in Salford Diocese.  Mrs McKeating and Mrs Schofield went with them and they were very proud, as always, of our children.  Good Luck to all our Chaplains as you embark on your special journey in our school.


School Chaplains


We are very proud to announce that we have a new School Chaplaincy Team at St. Johns involving some of our children in Year 4 and 5, Mrs Schofield and Mrs McKeating.  These children now proudly wear a different coloured school jumper so that all our children can recognise them.


ADVENT - 2014

As advent begins, we all gather to light the first candle on our Advent Wreath.

Holy Communion 2014

EYFS having their Passover meal on Maundy Thursday 2014

Monday 17th March 2014


This week marks an important milestone in the Sacramental lives of our Y3 children and other parish children as they make their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday 20th March at 7pm in church.


Please pray for them and their families.

Monday 2nd February 2014


Fred Uttley came to our assembly to talk to the whole school about his work for CAFOD.  He showed us some of the foods that we eat everyday and then he showed us some of the leaves that some children in poorer parts of the world eat.  Yes, you read that correctly...leaves!  For some families, that is all they have.  Fred was presented with a cheque for £51 from the girls in Year 6 who gave up their lunchtimes to make jewellery using beads and sold these to raise money for CAFOD.  Well done girls. Take a look at some of the photos from Fred's assembly.

At St John's we celebrate Mass together as a school on a regular basis to share special times during the year. We also share Class Masses together during the year and we always invite parents and friends to celebrate with us. We are so very lucky to have our beautiful Church so close where we can share our Masses with Father Allen. On Friday 17th October Year 5 celebrated their class mass together. It was a lovely occasion. Our next school mass is our Christmas Mass on Thursday 18th December at 9am in Church. Our Advent Read Around will take place in the school Hall on Friday 19th December at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to share this special quiet time with us.

Here are some photographs of our beautiful church. Please come and celebrate with us.

We presented the Children on our Sacramental Progamme to the Parish. Please pray for them.

Mary the Mother of Christ visits the children of St. John's School.

Mary, the Mother of Christ broke off from her journey to Bethlehem and came to visit St. John's school at the end of term.  The children in Year 2 and 3 greeted her singing 'Away in a Manger'.  Mary looked tired from her journey and needed a comfy chair to sit down on.  The children in Year 3 had been working hard with Mrs McKeating thinking of questions that they would like to ask Mary.  The children in Year 2 had also been very busy with Mrs Carlile and had been 'blogging' their questions for Mary.  We found out lots of information from Mary such as how she felt on her journey, how Joseph felt and that her favourite food is fresh figs!  The children behaved wonderfully and were reverent throughout her stay.  We were truly blessed to have such a special visitor to help us prepare for our Christmas holidays.

Mary the Mother of Christ visits the children in Year 2 and 3.

Our Christmas Read Around, where we hear and sing about the beautiful Nativity.

All the children in the school make an Advent Prayer to hang on the big Christmas Tree in the hall.

Our First Advent Assembly 2013 - Today we light the purple candle to represent HOPE.

Charity Work - Mary's Meals 


Mrs Burton came to school to talk to the children about a charity she supports called 'Mary's Meals'.  Please click on the link below to look at further information and lots of photographs from her visit.

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