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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another




Paul Hodson from the Blue Cross came to school today with his puppet, Dooby the Dog. They taught the children about how to be as safe as possible around dogs. Dooby was presented with an Angel at the end.

M and M Theatricals performed The Wizard of Oz in front of the whole school.

Jenny the Dental Nurse visits Years R, 1, 2 & 3.

Jenny, a Dental Nurse came to talk to the children in Years R, 1, 2 & 3.  She talked to them about how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. She also told them the following:

Brush after breakfast, not before!
Don't rinse after spitting. Leave the toothpaste to your coat teeth
Use adult toothpaste as it contains fluoride which helps to prevent cavities.
Electric toothbrushes are better as they have a rotating head.
Foods can contain hidden sugars...sweets, chocolate, coke, fizzy drinks, still drinks, cakes, biscuits, flavoured crisps, flavoured yoghurts.
Don't eat sugary snacks separately. Eat them at mealtimes.
Sugar turns to acid and attacks teeth
Good food e.g. veg, fruit. 
BUT oranges, pineapples, lemons citrus fruit, can wear away teeth enamel with acid. 
Drinks...fizzy bad. Milk shakes are also full of sugar.
Good drinks are water and milk.


All the children were given a Goody bag with some toothpaste in.

Friday 5th February

60 of our KS1 children went shopping in Padiham this morning to support our local shopkeepers in their recovery from the floods.  You may have heard us on the radio.  We met Tim and Helen from 2BR. Tim has offered to have his hair shaved off for Tia's charity when Mrs Carlile has hers dyed PINK and Mrs McKeating has hers dyed PURPLE. We also met Kev the black labrador in the Hardware store and the staff in Mooch were simply amazing!  Thank you everyone, it was a pleasure to be part of the community. 

11th November 2015

Three classes from our school joined with children from the other schools in Padiham for a very special Remembrance Day Service at the Town Hall.  This is the second year this has happened and it is a moving occasion as we were joined by both Soldiers and Veterans.  Each of the 5 school were given a letter from the word PEACE and ours was A.  Year 2 made a beautiful letter A covered in poppies and Year 5 performed a very moving account of life during in the war.

All the children who attended were very respectful and yet again, made us very proud to be a part of St. John's School.

Burnley Twinning Association

Saturday 26th September 

We have received a letter from the Burnley Twinning Association who wanted to thank us for our support at an event held at Burnley Central Library.  Both staff and children attended an event to celebrate Burnley's twinning with Vitry-Sur-Seine.  There were lots of activities on the day and the children of St. John's performed some songs in French.

Tales from the Legend of King Arthur

Matt and Simon from the Manchester Actors company gave the children a wonderful performance of their version of Tales from the Legend of King Arthur.  All the children from Nursery to Year 6 enjoyed themselves and asked some interesting questions after the performance.  Thank you Matt and Simon for bringing History alive in a creative way.

Young Voice 2015

What a FANTASTIC evening!!

St John's KS2 Choir took part in the world's largest children's choir concert at the Phones4U Arena in Manchester and sang their hearts out!  All the children were absolutely fabulous and thoroughly enjoyed themselves at this marvellous event.  A HUGE thank you must go out to all staff involved including Mr Bell for rehearsing the choir and Mrs McKeating for kindly funding this event through school. Our children were outstanding representatives of St John's and we are all really proud of them!


We had two visitors from the cast of Dick Whittington at our Assembly, Tommy the Cat and Sarah the Cook.  It was lovely to meet them all before we go to watch the show.


Thank you to Tesco in Padiham for their kind donation of 250 bags for the children to bring their books home in on Monday.  Thank you to Mrs Glynn for going to collect them and to the children in Year 2 for helping bring them into school and deliver them to the classes.



This year, the challenge is called 'Mythical Maze'.  It is full of information about myths and legends from around the world.  This next section is an extract taken from the website explaining all about the challenge.


The mythical maze challenges children aged 4 – 11 to find their way around a labyrinth that introduces them to fantastical creatures from the world of legend and mythology, collecting stickers of each character along the way.
Over the summer holidays find out more by working your way through the maze's six zones.  Each one is unique to specific mythical creatures – collect all six stickers to complete your mythical maze poster. 


Alison, from Padiham library came to talk to the children at school.  The children can register from Saturday 12th July at any library.  This year, for the every first time, GROWN UPS can take part too!  Go on the library website to find out all about it.

Click on the link below to read all the information on the official website for Lancashire Libraries.

Monday 16th June 2014


This morning, Year 3 visited Tesco in Padiham. We had a brilliant time and learnt lots about where different foods come from. We want to say a big thank-you to all the staff at Tesco!

Year 3's letters to Tesco

Wednesday 20th May 2014


Today, Siobhan and Sabrina from Tesco in Padiham came to visit Year 2. They brought lots of healthy fruit with them to taste and even Stanley the snail got to try some!  They told the children lots of fun facts about fruit and vegetables and answered many questions the children had.  They left the children with a colouring competition and these entries will be returned to Tesco and someone will be the lucky winner!


Check out Stanley's May diary to see more details.  Click on the link below. 

The children wrote thank you letters to Tesco and Year 2 made some pictures using their ICT skills.  Take a look at some of them.

Wednesday 7th May


Today, the children in Year 2 went to TESCO in Padiham to look at where our food comes from and to have a look behind the scenes.  The children got to look at the fruit and vegetable aisle and find fruit and vegetables that were all the colours of the rainbow.  Then we got to taste some of the fruit and vegetables.  We thought they were yummy.  Then we went to the fish counter where we met 'Bob' the sea bream.  We had to be careful because of his spikes on his back.  Then we got to hold a crab and even though it was only a baby crab, it was really heavy.  Then we went to the cheese counter where we got to taste different cheeses and some anchovies.  After that, we went to the bakery where we got to sugar a doughnut to take home and decorate a danish pastry.  Then we all went into the 'proven' oven, met the baker who had to get up at 3.30 in the morning and met Jackie who was putting all the teacakes into bags.  Finally, we went into the huge fridges and freezers at the back and we couldn't believe how cold it was!


A BIG THANK YOU to all the people who helped us and to the staff at TESCO for giving the children a memorable morning (and for allowing us to take over the store with our class mascots, Mr Snail and The Doctor who had managed to time travel to be with two groups at the same time!).

Click on the link below to see the photos from when Year 1 visited Tesco.
Click on the link below to see the photos from when Reception went to visit Tesco.

Friday 2nd May


Today the police visited the children in Year 2 and Year 3.  We found out lots of information and fascinating facts about their jobs.  The children asked some super questions.  They brought their police van with them and all the children got 'locked up' in the back of it.  Next, They got arrested and tried the handcuffs on...luckily, the key was found to release the children.  


Becky taught the children to use the 'strongest' word if ever they felt in danger or if a stranger approached them.  The strongest word is "NO!"  They were also taught to STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN when Becky and Chris talked about road safety.  The children also know to dial 999 if they ever feel really frightened because they have become separated from their friends or don't know where they are.


The children would like to say a big thank you to Becky and Chris from Padiham police station who brought the police van.  Also, thank you to Lee from Colne police station (who came on his day off!) to talk to the children about the armed response unit.  

Monday 28th April 2014


This morning Kate Reid and Danny Coan came to talk to the children during assembly about joining the local scout group in Padiham.  A letter will be coming home with the children tonight with information on about the open evenings that are being held this week.  


We met Bruce the dog who can help you earn your pet badge and you can earn a camping badge and lots of others.


 (If you are working towards your pet badge at any point, please see if Year 2 can help as we have got lots of pets in class; Stanley the Giant African Land Snail, Fidget the Platy Fish, a tank full of tadpoles and a tank full of water snails!  It's very busy in there! ) 

21st March 2014


Grace and Evie in Year 2 gave up an evening of their time to bake some biscuits and buns to sell to the children in Year 2.  They even had a little help from The Doctor!  Take a look at the photos.  They even have matching outfits.  The Doctor wishes he had one of those hats!  He likes hats.  They managed to raise £14.55 and a foreign coin! (There always has to be a foreign coin.)

14th March 2014


Gifts from the Parish


Thank you to the Parishoners from St John's and St Philip's parish who have kindly donated food items for distribution to school families.  A team of Year 4 and 5 children kindly gave up their lunchtime to make up hampers ready for distribution.  If you know anyone who would benefit from a food parcel, please pass their name into the school office.

February 2014

Congratulations to all the children who have successfully completed a 'Change for Life' course.  This involved children from Year 1 and Year 2 and has been run by Mrs Taylor and Mrs Adamson.  The 'Healthy' gang went to the Best Centre on Tuesday afternoon for a festival!  They took part in tasting healthy foods, gymnastics, circus skills plus lots more.  Well done, you are all a credit to your families and the school.

Friday 24th January


FAME AT LAST!  We have made it into the local newspaper.  Go to the Burnley Express Website to read our story about the TARGET WHO book donations to school.

Earlier last year, a group of Doctor Who fans got together and bought 14,000 Doctor Who books from Ebay.  Yes, you read that right!  14,000!  Their aim was to donate them, free of charge, to as many primary and secondary schools as possible nationally and internationally.  Mrs Carlile contacted them and today, we have received 6 Doctor Who books, free of charge for our school library.


Sadly, we are the only school in East Lancashire to have contacted them.  If you know of any other schools in the area who would like some, please tell them to get in touch.  There are 3 ways that schools can receive these books. 


One, by contacting Mrs Carlile at my school on 01282 771146 or email the school  Secondly, they can contact Bridget Hothersall at Hays Teaching Agency by emailing her on .  Briget at Hays has the books already in stock at her Preston office and can take them to any school in East Lancashire.  Thirdly, they can contact Target Who directly.  Their information can be found on their website  or find them on twitter @targetwho . Please let us know if you manage to let any other schools know.  



These are the books that were donated.  They are suitable for juniors to read or even some of Mrs. Carlile's high flying readers.  Mrs Carlile's favourite book is Logopolis with the 4th Doctor, Tom Baker.  

Monday 25th November 2013


This morning Mrs. Burton came to talk to the whole school about a very special charity that she works for, Mary's Meals.  They collect clothes, toys, books and pencils and take them out to children in Africa.  For some of these children, the first Christmas present they have ever received is a gift from Mary's Meals that has been donated by children like us at St. Johns.  We had collected lots of items for the charity and some of the children from St. Johns helped her pack her car.  We are pleased to say it was very full!

These are some of the children that you have helped by sending in donations to Mary's Meals

The children helping Mrs Burton pack her car. Look how full her boot is thanks to your generosity!

Please follow the link below (Gallery) to see photographs and information about the 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Coffee Morning, held on Friday 22nd November 2013. 
The Queen's Visit to Burnley
2 7 6 7 5 0 Visitors